Sunday, May 16, 2010

They Were Trying to Kill Our Tree

Earlier in the week I noticed a nasty nest of tent caterpillars in one of the trees in our backyard. Ew. I knew that we had to get rid of it soon since the branch that the nest was on was already dead; it doesn't take long for them to over take a whole tree!

Way up high!

How are we going to get at it?

The branch was up pretty high on the tree so Scott got out the tree trimmer and a ladder, hoping to be able to reach it. Unfortunately, it wasn't long enough. Scott got a broom handle and added it making it JUST long enough to reach the nest.

If you click on the picture, you can see better.

Can't quite reach.

The rest of the pictures are pretty gross...

The nest once we got it down.

The other side. You can see the caterpillars coming out and on the other end of the nest, you can see all the little eggs.

The size of the nest in relation to the branch.

Burning them out of the nest.

They just kept hanging on!

Eww. Hundreds of caterpillars.

So that nest is gone, the caterpillars are too. Yesterday when I was lying on the bed looking out the window, I noticed another nest. Same tree. Higher branch. NO idea how we'll get it down.


grandma said...

They look really gross in that pail. One of God's creations I have no trouble killing!

Aunt Pamela said...

eewwwwwwwewewewewewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! that is disgusting! i'm glad you're killing that ....that'd disgusting!!!