Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jacob Graduates

Even though he passed the limits to have his carseat flipped to forward facing a while ago, we chose to leave him rear facing for an extended period of time because it really is the safest way for children to ride. If you are interested, you can read about the benefits of extended rear facing here.

Anyways, he needed a new carseat for in Grandma's car anyways so we decided now was as good time as ever and keeping him rear facing until almost 2 years is a pretty good accomplishment. So we switched him a couple of weeks back.

Since he's never known anything different, he climbed in the now forward facing seat and faced the back!

Trying to work the buckles, still facing the wrong way.

Hey! This is not right!

Two big boys!

All strapped in!

While he never complained about rear facing, he's certainly enjoying facing forward and seeing the world from a new view!

1 comment:

grandma said...

That was so hilarious - how he just was sure he needed to be rear facing! He looks so much older facing forward. Such a sweetheart!