Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mommy's Little Helper

Jacob has started wanting to help, a lot. He insists on taking something from the table into the kitchen after we eat. He grabs his broom whenever he sees me sweeping. He puts his diapers away and his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Hopefully I can remind him of his current eagerness to help when he is a teenager...

A few days ago there was some spilled water so I had the mop out. He was entertained for about 20 minutes just pushing the mop around!

It took him a while to figure out to control it since the handle is so long.

A happy cleaner!


I should have gotten him a bucket of water!


Sarah (Creen) Benn said...

Send him over to my house with the mop!

grandma said...

Yeah, good luck with the teenager thing! LOL