Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today I...

- Loaded, ran and emptied the dishwasher
- Made 2 dozen mini muffins and 6 regular size ones
- Cleaned the bathroom
- Stripped all the beds
- Remade all the beds
- Washed, dried and folded the old sheets
- Washed, dried and folded a load of towels
- Made, served and cleaned up breakfast
- Made, served and cleaned up lunch
- Made, served and cleaned up supper
- Shoveled the driveway
- Dressed both the kids in snowsuits and took them outside
- Changed Jacob's diaper many times
- Changed Jacob's outfit twice
- Painted with Logan
- Made Valentines with Logan and Jacob
- Did bedtime by myself since Scott was at bowling

And that is why I am now going to relax and not blog tonight even though I still have some more Panama stuff to post about; you'll have to wait.

Jacob still isn't sure about snow...although he did get around quite a bit today!

Logan on the other hand, loves the white stuff!

Jumping in!


grandma said...

I love it - I used to send your dad a list of what I did so he didn't think I did nothing all day. LOL You had a typical for a "stay at home mom" busy day! And this blog is just fine - all we want is pics and a bit of a story!

Pamela said...

you are such a busy mommy!! i give you a lot of credit - i'd be so tired doing all of that. but bet it feels good to get all that laundry done with clean beds!