Friday, July 11, 2008

Whale Watching

Yesterday was a great day!

We headed over to Pamela's place for lunch where we had grilled cheese and salad. This was Logan's first time having grilled cheese, and as with most foods we had success, he loved it.

After lunch we headed to the wharf to go whale watching. First, since it was low tide, we took a look at some of the sea life that was hanging onto the docks waiting for the tide to come in. There were so many starfish, lots of corral and some jellyfish. (I was holding Logan so didn't get any pictures but I'll get some from mom eventually.) It was all really neat - Jared grabbed a starfish for us to see more closely...even Logan wanted to touch it.

We boarded our boat for whale watching and headed out. This was right around Logan's nap time, so I popped him in the carrier and he fell asleep and had a good 1.5 hour nap! Luckily, I got to see quite a few whales just out of the window. Not only were we successful in seeing whales, but we also saw bald eagles, seals, porpoises and a salmon farm. It was pretty tough to snap a picture of the whales since they moved so quickly but Pamela managed to snap a few.

Our little sailorA picture of a whale...not a great one, but you can kind of see it

There was an upper deck to the boat, that you could go up on to see better. Pamela, Jared and mom went up there and were able to catch some good glimpses of the whales. Once Logan woke up, we went up for a short time was pretty windy too.

Here's Jared...apparently the top of the boat was very relaxing

Perhaps Pamela was trying to be artistic here?

After a great whale watching trip, we headed for dinner. The patios here are all right on the water and the weather was so nice last was a great patio night! Logan was in a great mood and shared a little bit of food off everyone's plate. There was also a cat that appeared on the patio at one point. I took Logan over to see it...he was very happy to see a cat, I think he misses ours.

Logan's down for his morning nap now. We're going to head downtown today to check out the shops and stroll around.

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