Friday, July 18, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well we're back home now! We flew home on Wednesday night. Once again, Logan was a trooper on the airplane and wasn't any trouble. He was so tired when we got off the plane though and fell asleep as soon as I put him in the carseat to come home!

Logan being entertained by a set of headphones while grandma watches TV.

A tired little boy

Yesterday was a tiring day as Logan wanted to be held and entertained all the time like he was when we were away. Sadly, it was just mommy here to play with him, so while I tried to do as much as I could with him he was frustrated when I had to do things like go to the bathroom and make lunch. He'll have to get used to that again!

The baby bunnies are still in our front lawn, we saw the momma come back last night to feed them. They're getting so big now and actually look like cute little rabbits instead of ugly little mice.

We're having a quiet weekend at home this weekend. Time for daddy and Logan to play together since they missed each other when we were gone!

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