Logan's walking is going really well. He walks pretty much all the time, and if he falls or trips he gets right back up to walking again rather than choosing to crawl. He crawls a lot when he's playing outside (which allows him to get SO wet and dirty) but I think it's because he's always all bundled up...it looks like it would be hard to walk so that's likely why he chooses to crawl so often.
Other than that he's working on expanding his vocabulary as well. He now "meow's" like a cat, repeats "thank you" and he says the word "bear". Ok so maybe it doesn't sound exactly like "bear" but he says it whenever he brings over his "Brown Bear, Brown Bear..." book to be read...which he loves! (Thanks Aunt Susan...I think we all have the book memorized since we read it so much!) So on top of his other words he's definitely getting quite "chatty".
Something that he's decided he likes to do is sweep. He loves to push the broom around, which is actually quite helpful. I'm on the look out for a child-sized broom, if you see one, let me know!
Mommy's little helper
The pictures that follow are a random assortment from the last little while.
Drinking the cat water, just like the cats! The cats dip their paws in the water and then lick the water off, I think Logan was trying to copy them...things got VERY wet after this photo was taken...
This one's a bit blurry - the boots have little ducks on them with umbrellas!
Logan is usually pretty fussy between dinner and bedtime because he's so tired from the day's events. Today he wasn't though for some reason, so we had fun playing in the basement before bedtime.
Recently I put all Logan's baby toys away in a bin, but the bin never made it to the basement. Tonight Logan got it open and played with all his old toys again. Here he is pulling out some old treasures!
Happy on the couch
Modeling daddy's belt.
Me and my boy!
Happy on the couch
Modeling daddy's belt.
Me and my boy!
Phew, that was a lot of pictures...hope you enjoyed them all!