Sunday, May 25, 2014

First Outdoor Meal!

The weather on the long weekend was nice enough that we were able to eat outside for the first time! Other than Norah not sitting still, it was a success!

The best picture of the three of them, haha.
Scott had spent the whole day working on the shed.
A well deserved meal for him!
I think he lost something through the fence..
Finishing off my drink. :)
I need to find myself some sort of serving tray/platter to get all the stuff to the backyard before we do it again!

1 comment:

grandma said...

What fun! Norah probably loves not being in her highchair - she sure needs it in the house, doesn't she? :-)
Wal-Mart has lots of outdoor dishes and trays - we can check it out on Wednesday, if you like?