Saturday, December 3, 2011

"We're going camping..."

Yesterday morning after we finished breakfast, I cleaned the boys up and sent them downstairs to play while I tidied up the kitchen. This is something we do EVERY day; so it was nothing new.

I took maybe 10 minutes to tidy up the dishes from breakfast and get everything put away. They were happily playing downstairs. There wasn't any fighting, nor was it silent, which usually indicates a problem.

I ventured downstairs to see what they were doing and I quickly found out exactly why, they had been playing so nicely...

That's pretty much every single toy we own.

This is where they belong.

I asked Logan what in the world they were doing. His answer? "We're going camping, Mommy!" I guess he has a pretty big vehicle to go camping with!

Luckily they're pretty cute.

I did take the opportunity to vacuum the carpet well and to clean the toy shelf which was long overdue for a good cleaning. AND they even helped me put the toys away.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

LOL!!! i still think this is hilarious. i've been showing this to everyone at work, and no one really gets it until they see the picture of the empty shelf.
