Saturday, September 10, 2011

In Need of a Wheelbarrow

We're making some changes to our backyard. Making the vegetable garden bigger. Taking out the garden along the side of the house.

But we've realized that we don't have a wheelbarrow...well other than a toy one. Scott called me outside this afternoon as he was moving soil from the side of the house to the backyard to take a look at how he was transporting it.

This bed just didn't get enough sunlight or rain so we're just going to widen the patio.


Good thing he didn't have too much to move, it's hard on the back!

Guess we'll start watching the flyers to see full sized ones go on sale.


Pamela said...

I guess you don't realize you don't have a wheelbarrow until you need to use it! I certainly don't have one!!

grandma said...

Glad that the wheelbarrow is such a sturdy one! :-)